Call Patty at (518) 365-1964 or fill out the form below.
All our Standard Poodle puppies come to you pre-spoiled, vet checked and health guaranteed! Give Patty a call at (518) 365-1964 for more information.
Choice of puppy is determined by the order in which the deposit is received. A $500 non-refundable deposit will put you on the waiting list. I do not require an application to be completed prior to submitting a deposit. Instead, I'd rather talk on the phone and get to know more about you, your family and lifestyle.
Puppy choice is made at 7 weeks of age. You have the option to visit us to make your choice or we can facetime. Puppy pick-up is at 8 weeks of age and I will contact the customers on the waiting list to schedule a time to pick up your puppy. All contracts and payments will be done electronically 3-days prior. You will be given a cute carry-all bag with all the items listed below.
Any puppy left here beyond the original pick-up date will be charged a $50/per day fee - no exceptions!!
If by chance the dam does not produce the puppy you originally had placed a deposit for, you may choose a puppy that is available at that time or forward your deposit to the next litter due at a later date.
All puppies have their tails docked and dewclaws removed at 3 days old. If you wish to have a natural long tail, please let me know before the 3 day mark. A deposit of 1/2 the price of puppy is required.
Large ziplock baggie of puppy kibble
Vet health certificate
AKC registration application
Puppy vaccination records
Signed spay/neuter agreement
Signed puppy contract
Toy or blanket with litter mates scent
Collar for your 8 week old puppy
Two-year written health guarantee
Receipt of purchase
Preview both our puppy application/contract and our spay/neuter contract. A hard copy of each one will be given at the time of the sale. Contact Patty if you have any questions.
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I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
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